I mostly think I don't have anything new and interesting to write... even though I am having the most fun... and then 7 more weeks have passed and it feels weird to write about things that have just happened (like the story of the nanny who garborated the seven year old's tooth after dinner tonight...Argh!) when I have missed the last few months. Hmm.
Which brings us to here.
So I've decided I will just ramble about things & hopefully it will take us somewhere & my loyal readers will get their Canada fix & at least briefly feel like I am keeping in touch! Argh I didn't think I would be this bad at this keeping in touch thing, it's actually something I thought I was good at... ahem, let's begin.
Our story today begins in Canada, where it is actually Spring! I don't think Spring has ever really meant much to me...sure some flowers bloom and such, but it has never really seemed like a big deal to me until this year (I am not actually the gardening type, which may have something to do with it). Well Canada knows how to do Spring.
Winter was lovely here. Snow. Snow capped mountains in the distance. Good hot chocolate weather and such. But as soon as Spring arrived "BAM!" from those dead looking plants came billions of different colours! (and they are colours over here, not colors, which is nice because I'm quite partial to the 'u')
Sooo much prettiness! It makes me so happy to walk to school in the mornings past the cherry blossoms and daffodils and tulips and... other flowers (sorry mum, that's the extent of my flower knowledge). Ahh! So pretty!
I realised today that my twin and I painted a reminder of Canada on my bedroom wall before I even came! Who knew their were so many cherry blossom trees here?! (If you knew, why were you with-holding this information from me? hmm it's ok, I've enjoyed the surprise. Ok I did warn you there would be rambling).
So nannying continues to be fun! The boys are...well there's not just one adjective to write here. I really like them. It's fun to get to hang with them every day & I love their different personalities. They definitely require a lot of energy from me...which somedays I have, and somedays... not so much. The two older boys love crafting with me, so I try to make sure we have some sort of craftiness happening each week. Maybe I'll do a separate post about that (do you trust me? I wouldn't either). They all love playing outside & reading books... we love the "Don't let the Pigeon..." books at the moment and wrote our own this week. I've also made sure to include a bunch of Mem Fox in our reading & Mr two loves finding that green sheep "he's RIGHT THERE!"
They are typical boys who love potty talk and wrestling, as long as they aren't the one who gets hurt. Hockey season is over, so now we've got Baseball & Spring Hockey (no 6am practices)...aswell as skating lessons, school, preschool etc. Definitely busy! Baseball uniforms are so cute.
The nanny who was living across the road was a kiwi (well she still is a kiwi, she just isn't there anymore). It was fun to have someone so close to hang with on the weekends and nights off! It was good to have someone to be a tourist and swap kid & crazy canada stories with. But alas Europe called her & off she went. Since she's been gone I've picked up a few days (well one past tense, but a few more future tense) minding the girls she looked after. Oh life is so different on that side of the street! So much pink and ponies and such!
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I've also picked up work on Friday mornings for the church I go to with the family. Basically I help supervise the 3-5 year old kids for 2 hours while the women's group is happening. And I get paid! When does that happen at a church? This church has about 7 million kids. not quite. But there are a lot. Though today there were only 10 in our group. But usually...
So, I've realised I have no idea what is happening in the rest of the world apart from snippets I catch on facebook. It's sort of sad that this is my source of news. I watched the news the other day at Mindy's and actually felt a bit sick. There were so many horrible things. But I think it was just a normal amount of horrible things. It's scary that that can become normal when I watch the news everyday. I don't want the news to not bother me. I don't know if that makes sense, but I did warn you (rambling).
Oh yeh. Easter. Easter here is in Spring! Which is really cool! And actually a bit more meaningful in a way... like the whole new life, coming back to life from the dead thing (see my spring paragraph above).
I went to Mindy's for Easter. In America. I actually got really excited when we crossed the border on the way down (it was not as exciting on the way back after a 70 minute wait in the line!).
It was so fun to hang with Mindy & her siblings & her friend & her friend's hedgehogs. I HELD A BABY HEDGEHOG. I think this may make it in the 'top twenty things of kaye's trip' list. Sooo Cute!
Other highlights of the weekend at Mindy's: becoming addicted to the show Psych, playing Candyland, shopping at an American grocery store (oh the fun things that they have!), eating froyo, going to UW, eating froyo again a few hours later, a city-wide Easter egg hunt for grown-ups (we came 4th! woohoo!), holding a hedgehog (oh wait, I said that one already), church, eating muddy-buddies & an Easter lunch that started with coffee tasting, scones (pronounced like Scone the place) & vegetables, followed by pavlova, then beef... a few hours later. I love hanging with Mindy!
Hmm what else what else.
Creme Egg McFlurries!
Red Robin! (the restaurant...though may I did see some robins today, I'm not sure, they were a bit far... does Canada have robins? Maybe I should look that up before I make statements like "I saw some robins today..." meh. You can do the research yourself... let's leave it at 'I may or may not have seen some robins today')
Ok. I am going to find some pictures now for my visual friends.
I will try and blog soon.
And I apologise again for my slackness.
And I would also like to add an apology for my dodgy grammar & rambling. Actually I warned you about the rambling.
And also sorry about the photos. I really wish there was an easier way to put photos in a blog and make them look pretty, not just slapped on the page...but at least they are all up the right way this time.
I hope things are going well in your world!
I am heading to Vancouver on 9th May to meet Heather. I think Heather and I / your Mum and Dad will be like ships passing in the night when we cruise Alaska. :)
ReplyDeleteIt would be good to meet up with the three of you of that was possible. Where are you?
Oh cool! It would be good to see you guys!
ReplyDeleteI am living in Langley - just out of Vancouver (or 2 hours by public transport).
Mum, Dad, Lauren and I will all be staying in Vancouver from the 16th-18th May. Lauren will be in town until the 23rd I think.
When do you get back from your cruise? Mum & Dad leave Van on the 9th and get back on the 16th.
Yes, there are robins in Canada...at least in BC I'm sure you'd see them. They are fairly common over here. Oh, and I love hanging with you too! Come back...well, if I'm still here. :)
ReplyDeleteHurrah!!! So good to read your latest instalment. You're so funny, Kaye! And thanks for the photos, too.
ReplyDeleteLove from your very visual friend, Alison x
Can you smuggle the baby hedgehog back Farleigh???? Pleeeeeaaaasse!
ReplyDeleteGlad your having a great time. Year 4 misses Farleigh!
Are you feeling Lazy Miss Farleigh. Havent blogged in a while????
ReplyDeleteJack Gray - Danyon and Jack are still insane
Pual Griffin - Um have you gone sight seeing?
Grace - Have you seen Niagara Falls yet?
Emma - I miss you!
Danyon - Do yuou still like pink cheese and sausgaes
Sienna - Please please come back
Miss Searle - Can i please borrow Rose for amoment i promise i will return her.
Mr Lalor - you have to see the new hall it is INCREDIBLE!!
Claudia - Are you going to be back soon?
Demi - I really miss you
Aliyah - Are you having fun?
James - Did you say you were coming back today!?!?
Eliana - i really really miss you
Talison - Hi
Jack says cani say one more thing and also i miss you as welll
From Year 4
I love the HEDGEHOG!!!! how TINY is it xoxo (almost as tiny as that teddy-bear that you,Lou and me got a pic of when we did our triangulese coffee at tronto lol) xoxo miss you!!! let's skype soon!!!!!! (sorry I missed you the other day) :(